International Development Institute Africa

The International Development Institute- Africa is a private value- based knowledge enterprise of excellence providing a wide range of consultancy, research, training and policy analysis services in health and development.

International Development Institute Africa

IDIA is a body corporate registered in the Republic of Kenya as a technical, training, policy and research institution under the Companies Act Cap 486. The decision-making authority of IDIA vests in the Board of Directors supported by an International Advisory Board consisting of eminent professionals and development practitioners from the academia, business, industry, civil society and public sectors. The International Advisory Board regularly audits the quality of the academic and research programs of the Institute. The Academic Board ensures continuous review, improvement and expansion of the training and academic programs in accordance with the law and market demands.

ROMANS 12:2-

“Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”


To be the most influential knowledge and social enterprise of excellence in Africa and the world.


To foster transformative leadership and sustanable development with excellence and integrity in Africa and the world

IDIA Seventh Leaders Meeting


The International Development Institute- Africa is a private value- based knowledge enterprise of excellence providing a wide range of consultancy, research, training and policy analysis services in health and development. IDIA was first established as Africa Health and Development (AHEAD) Management Services in 2002 to provide solutions to Africa’s problems of poor leadership, ill heath, poverty and underdevelopment. Over the years, IDIA has provided services in over 25 countries in the East, Central and Southern Africa Region. 


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